CalWater PAC is a bipartisan political action committee (PAC) that receives contributions from businesses and members. CalWater PAC distributes contributions to candidates and incumbent members of the California legislature (and other state-wide offices) who are important to development of California water policy.
CalWater PAC was founded in 2004 by water professionals as a bipartisan political action committee supporting sound water policy in California.
CalWater PAC is the only state-wide water PAC in California!
CalWater PAC's Board of Trustees meet monthly to authorize contributions. Solicitations for contributions are considered relative to a variety of factors deemed relevant by the Board.
Of primary consideration is the candidate's commitment to water/environmental issues and good public policy. In order for the water community to succeed in providing a long-term, safe, reliable water supply at reasonable cost, there is a need to elect people at the state level who are committed to these goals and keep them in office. Among the factors taken into account are experience, electability, and recommendations.